It’s hard to find quality television. Most television shows right now are "reality" and a source of superficial entertainment that compels me to use my television for mind-draining relaxation before sleep, weather information and background noise. Last year my boyfriend, who enjoys anything regarding heavy drinking and decades past, introduced me to AMC’s Mad Men. The show offers a glimpse into life during the 1960s at Sterling Cooper, a Madison Avenue advertising agency. Last night the second season kicked off on Valentine’s Day 1962 with hints of many changes to come into fruition. The next few years the mini skirt will be revealed, drug use will be rampant and a social revolution will occur. It was such a exciting time in history and the show captures the sixties so well.
One of the highly praised elements of the show is its accuracy with costumes and props. The clothing is so immaculate, high fashion and classy. Since fashion is always recycling old ideas and making them fresh again: will Mad Men influence fashion this fall? Let's hope so...down with sweatpants.

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