Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Exciting news and fashion rules

Something tres exciting happened last night. A dear friend, one I have known since grade 7, announced her engagement. It is one of those engagements you know is coming because the couple has been together forever aka 6 years, so congratulations to Lisa & Ryan. I've been the staple date to many weddings but this will be the first time I got the invite. Being a fashion lover and wedding goer, I have witnessed many wedding faux pas. In accordance to the decline of elegance, some Canadians think they can get away with any semi-formal piece out of their wardrobe. Here are some simple rules when dressing for a wedding:
  • No flip flops (Unless it's a beach wedding but even then they should be a dressy sandal)

  • Do not wear white (Mixed with other colours is fine but you should not look like your trying to take attention away from the bride.)

  • Do wear a hat (Check out the hats and formal head pieces at Fashion Crimes at 322 Queen Street West. Tres chic!)

  • Avoid sunglasses (Do you remember those guys in high school wearing sunglasses to prom?....yeah)

  • Do wear make-up (Even if you don't typical wear make-up, a little lip colour and blush won't hurt)

  • Keep hair styles and dressing choices tasteful ( i.e. big hair, over-the-top up-dos, extremely revealing, very full skirts similar to the brides')

For the love of fashion, even if these rules are not followed at least give me something good to look at. Although if you do wear white, you will get my cringe face.

The Bride-to-be

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